Friday, April 30, 2010

My little infomercial man.

My son loves infomercials. In fact he memorizes the entire commercial and stores it away in his brain to be used later. Like when I'm cleaning the bathroom. "Mom, do you ever get tired of scrubbing bathrooms? Are your arms tired from the constant scrubbing and scraping? You need the ultrasonic scrubber only 19.95. If you call now you can receive a second ultrasonic scrubber absolutely free. You must be 18 or older to call." Or when I'm out pulling weeds. "Are you tired of bending and pulling weeds. You need the topsyturvey. You will never have to bend over again! You can simply walk right up to your topsyturvey and pick. It is the most amazing thing - really mom it is." Once I took him to the as seen on TV aisle at Walmart. You would have thought I'd given him the key to heaven with the awe on his face. "Do they have the slap chop? The ultimate brownie pan? How about the snuggie? Mom, mom look - the have the gopher!!! You don't even have to call now, you can just buy it! You really need the healtastic mom the bottoms of your feet are just like sandpaper you won't get a second one free though! Maybe he'll be the next Billy Mays?


Serendipity Boutique said...

That is too funny Kristine! Made me smile this morning;-)


PetitePeapods said...

He can be so funny sometimes, I can't believe how much he loves those commercials!